hi There,

I have a Database table which has about 90 columns in it.
But for writing this particular querey It needs only few of them.

I'll list them here!

Acc BegDt EnDt J F M A MY Jn Jy Au S O N D
10 1/2008 12/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

First Querey:

"Based On The BegDt, Count the no of months that has a value>0 for acc10, and continues until it reaches a 0 value."

Note: BegDt n EnDt are in Char DataType:

Second Querey:

"Find The Value of The 'number' . where number is the value for acc 10 based on the startdate."

Can Any one please Help me soon. Its really very Urgne..!!
