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Thread: Help with query (sorry if double posted)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Help with query (sorry if double posted)

    Hey all, my last msg didn't post. I thought it might be because of the link so here it is without....

    If anyone has a second to look at a query I would be incredibly grateful. My SQL skills are not the greatest but I'm working on 'em .

    I'm using MySQL 5.0.x

    What I have is a table of employees with name, salary, position, department, subdept, start_date, and end_date('1000-01-01' if no end date). What I am trying to get is a resultset with a breakdown of how many employees are employed in each dept and subdept and a company total for a given period of time. I need the break down to be each month.

    So what i envision is a result with a column for dept, subdept, and each month out of the time period given in the query(e.g. 'Jan_07', 'Feb_07', 'Mar_07', etc.) which would contain the count for that month.

    What I've come up with so far is kind of a mess but it might have something close if i'm lucky. It works for one month but i need to expand it out and i don't know how.

              subdepartmentid AS subdept_id,
              COUNT(*) AS Jun_07
         WHERE 1 = 1
              AND dept_id IN (329,330,331,332,360,359)
              AND subdepartmentid IN (1,65)
              AND fore_id = 120
              AND startdate < '2007-06-01'
    	  AND (TerminateDate > '2007-06-30'
    		OR TerminateDate = '1000-01-01')
         GROUP BY

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    At first, put the period inside not outside of the month

    AND startdate > '2007-06-01'
    AND (TerminateDate < '2007-06-30'
    OR TerminateDate = '1000-01-01')

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