To all,

The free SQL2005 Express Db Server makes local DB apps development a lot easier. The ASP-db property syntax is the same except the server name should be the same as shown in the Studio Express. See the test code listed below.

The installation of SQL2005 has no sample DB. Download that from the MS site. Just search for 'SQL2005 sample database' and you'll hit the download link. After downloading the scripts, fire up the Studio express and click on the instpubs.sql / instnwnd.sql script then execute the script in the express studio. That's it.


Dim T As New Tornado.Z()
<script language='vb' runat='server'>
Sub Page_Load(Source as Object, E as EventArgs)
Dim T As New Tornado.Z()
T.dbQP= "U=1|S=1|dt=SQL|Pv=SQLClient|Q=orders|dt=SQL"
End Sub