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Thread: Pulling top 3 within record selection

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Heidelberg, Germany

    Pulling top 3 within record selection

    I need to pull a report that gives me the desired results as show below. I first show the data that is in the table, then below that is the desired result.

    What I am trying to do is pull every employee's most recent 3 appraisal Effective Dates within the last 4 years where Rating is different than X.

    Sorry I don't reall know how to explain this using code because I seem to be having a block right now. Not sure where to start really.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks again!

    Records in tblAPPRAISALS Table:
    Employee | Appraisal Effective | Rating
    A | 1/10/2006 | 5
    A | 1/10/2005 | 4
    A | 1/10/2004 | 5
    A | 1/10/2003 | 5
    A | 1/10/2002 | 5
    B | 1/10/2006 | 5
    B | 1/10/2005 | 5
    B | 1/10/2004 | X
    B | 1/10/2003 | 5
    C | 1/10/2006 | 4
    C | 1/10/2005 | 5
    C | 1/10/2004 | 5
    My current SQL:
    SELECT DISTINCT TOP 3 Employee, Appr_Eff as [Appr Effective], Rating_Of_Rcd as [Rating]
    WHERE Appr_Eff >= DateAdd("YYYY", -4, Date()) AND Rating_Of_Rcd <> "X"
    Order by 1, 2 DESC
    Results from this Query:
    Employee | Appraisal Effective | Rating
    A | 1/10/2006 | 5
    A | 1/10/2005 | 4
    A | 1/10/2004 | 5
    Desired Results:
    Employee | Appraisal Effective | Rating
    A | 1/10/2006 | 5
    A | 1/10/2005 | 4
    A | 1/10/2004 | 5
    B | 1/10/2006 | 5
    B | 1/10/2005 | 5
    B | 1/10/2003 | 5
    C | 1/10/2006 | 4
    C | 1/10/2005 | 5
    C | 1/10/2004 | 5
    Last edited by chrisdedobb; 04-26-2007 at 03:10 AM.

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