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Thread: SELECT CASE WHEN problem

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    SELECT CASE WHEN problem

    Hello !
    For MS SQL 2000/2500

    I am having a table ::

    Ident int NOT NULL,
    Numb int NOT NULL,
    Info nvarchar(100) NOT NULL,

    with this query ::

    SELECT Numb, Info, Ident
    FROM Users
    WHERE (Numb IN (100,200, 300))
    ORDER BY Ident

    I get ::

    Numb | Info | Ident

    100 | dgwrg | 1
    200 | dgeth yiuyi | 1
    300 | Agt hgn ngtn | 1

    100 | jttytujky | 2
    200 | yjtut iuiu | 2
    300 | dgd 2gggwekew | 2

    what I need is something like::

    (CASE WHEN Users.Numb = 100 THEN Users.Info END) AS InfoA,
    (CASE WHEN Users.Numb = 200 THEN Users.Info END) AS InfoB,
    (CASE WHEN Users.Numb = 300 THEN Users.Info END) AS InfoC,
    FROM Users
    WHERE Ident = Ident
    (for the same Ident)

    to get ::

    InfoA | InfoB | InfoC | Ident

    dgwrg | dgeth yiuyi | Agt hgn ngtn | 1
    sssd | hhh | dhhhh | 2
    dddjjj oo |fdjjh | rr yuuu | 2
    jttytujky | yjtut iuiu | dgd 2gggwekew | 2

    Actually I am getting a NULL value everywhere
    of course I cannot use MAX(CASE WHEN ... , or I am getting only a few rows and not all

    thanks a ton for helping
    Last edited by anselme; 12-01-2006 at 06:44 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    use tempdb
    create table users (Numb int, Info varchar(20), Ident int)
    insert into users select 100 ,'dgwrg', 1
    insert into users select 200 ,'dgeth yiuyi',1
    insert into users select 300 ,'Agt hgn ngtn', 1
    insert into users select 100 ,'jttytujky', 2
    insert into users select 200 ,'yjtut iuiu',2
    insert into users select 300 ,'dgd 2gggwekew', 2
    SELECT Numb, Info, Ident
    FROM Users
    WHERE (Numb IN (100,200, 300))
    ORDER BY Ident
    SELECT Ident,
    MAX(CASE WHEN Users.Numb = 100 THEN Users.Info END) AS InfoA,
    MAX(CASE WHEN Users.Numb = 200 THEN Users.Info END) AS InfoB,
    MAX(CASE WHEN Users.Numb = 300 THEN Users.Info END) AS InfoC,
    FROM Users
    group by Ident

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Mak it doesnt work in that way

    there is no reason to get the MAX, i need all

    with Ident = 2
    I must get 3 columns , but as many rows as necessary

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