User said they prefer not to responsewrite, like codebehind and like aspx. So, I'll make all the Method calls return the HTML code so it can be mapped into the codebehind controls. The following is my favorite - no response write, separate HTML and integrated ASPX. Just change the search dirs to your dirs and try that.

<script language="VB" runat="server">
Public SearchStuff as string
Sub Page_Load(Src As Object, E As EventArgs)
Dim ST As New Tornado.z
With ST
.dbQP = "U=1| S=BlueSky| Th=Ti=ASPdbSearchFile"
.dbSearchFilesParams = "inc=/tornadomanual/*.html,/tornadomanual/*.aspx| Col=3| SearchBox=true"
Dim sf As String = Request.QueryString("ASPdbSearchFile")
If sf <> "" Then
.ASPdbDisplaySource(sf, "", "", sf)
SearchStuff = .ASPdbSearchFiles()
End If
End With
End Sub

<link rel='stylesheet' href='/tornado/css/BlueSky/Style.css'>
<BODY onLoad='self.focus()'>