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Thread: Tornado - Nav Items

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Tornado - Nav Items

    I had a question about adding a button. I am able to add a button, but I want to add the unique pin identifier to the url. I know in MagicCell You can use ^0^, #0#, etc, etc... but can you pull the highlighted record's number in to a URL using a button?

    User Clicks on record in the grid.
    User Clicks custom button.
    (Unique identifying number of highlighted record gets appended to URL)

    Thank You,
    John M


    I used SelRecPTR using the Tornado.GetData() function... but there is a small problem.

    Get_SelRecPTR only works after the page refreshes (AKA it is one click behind). If I do a response.write, it won't append the info to the URL if the user wanted to use the first record already highlighted in the grid.

    Is there a way to have GD.Get_SelRecPTR to run once before each page refresh? I tried inserting it after the ASPdbNET() but it doesn't work.
    Last edited by johnmooney; 01-14-2005 at 11:00 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    >>...I want to add the unique pin identifier to the url.

    Wher is this "pin identifier"?

    You want to click a button adn get the current record at th etop of the application - is that true?

    State the application and forget about the way to do it. Many time, there is a better way.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    it just uniquely identifies each database record, like a primary key.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    So you want to append the record's key (a field) to the URL of th ebutton?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    the selected record in the grid i want to append to the url so I can pass the record number to the next screen.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Looking at the problem - The navigations can be displayed on the top or the bottom or both. So you do not know the selected record (in the user's side) when the navigation is displayed. In order to pass the value of the "cell" do it in the cell level using Magic cell. I'll look for an example in this aspect.

    Try this ->

    Dim X As New Tornado.z
    With X
    .dbQP = "U=4| S=2| D=Nwind| Q=employees| gdf=0,1,2,3| M=ty=Dh!SysInd=true| th=Pass URL"
    .dbGridMagicCell = "fi=0|mac=<A HREF=''>#0#</A>"
    End With


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