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Thread: Tornado - Get_SelectBoxFormSelection

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Tornado - Get_SelectBoxFormSelection

    How does Get_SelectBoxFormSelection work? I tried finding an online example, but couldn't (btw...your search function doesn't work).

    From the Manual I got the impression that it gets the input of a select box.

    What I wanted to do was supply additional SQL statements if the user selects "YES" in a select box when they are in add mode.

    My other question was, if I somehow got SelectBoxFormSelection to work, I'm guessing it won't be grabbed until the next page load (after the user clicks 'go') ... so if this doesn't work, is there any way at all to affect the SQL depending on what the user inputs?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    A bit unclear about your case...
    overall, user input a SQL statement and the you can set .dbSQL = New SQL. Remember to do a New=True in dbASPdbNet as SQL is now new.

    I foxed the search in the webs ite (C# DLL requires Non-Blank Inputs)

    I'll lookup a few selectbox example. Check out the demo there is one there.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Many time we want ot select a KEY and then do an SQL like SELECT .... where Field = KEY. SelectBoxform streamline that into a standard setup so you can select the key and then display the selected record's details ina form format.


    Here is an example ->

    <script language="vb" runat="server">
    Sub Page_Load(Source as Object, E as EventArgs)
    Dim GD As New tornado.getdata()
    Dim E15 As New Tornado.Z()
    With E15
    .dbUnit = 15
    .dbSkin = "space"
    .dbMode = "type=SBoxForm|SboxMacro=#0# - #1#"
    .dbGridDisplayFlds = "CustomerID, CompanyName, ContactName"
    .dbDSN = "Nwind"
    .dbSQL = "SELECT * FROM Customers"
    .dbPageSize = -1
    .dbTextHolder = "Title=Tornado Demo - Master / Detail SelectBox - Form|sub=This popular Master/detail format can be implemented in very few lines of code with ASP-db.Net"
    Dim fs as string = GD.Get_SelectBoxFormSelection
    if fs <>"" then response.write("<P>Get_SelectBoxFormSelection = " & fs)
    End with
    End Sub

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