Hello, We are getting some inconsistant behaviour with testblanktable.

Here is our version number:

Tornado (Powered by ASPdb.Net) Version : Tornado - (GOLD), ASPdb.Net, ASP-db(tm)(c)1998-2004 by USIntertech Inc. - Ver

Here is our example code (change all "produce" entries to "seafood" to give the blank condition in the products table). Also the add submission does not work in this example, but we just want to go into the add form.

<%@ Page Language="vb" Debug="true" aspcompat=true%>
<script language="vb" runat="server">
Sub Page_Load(Source as Object, E as EventArgs)

Dim GD As New Tornado.Getdata()
Dim M1 As New Tornado.Z()
Dim LastUnit As String = GD.Get_Unit

With M1
.dbQP = "U=11| S=12|ps=-1| D=d:\Inetpub\db\nwind.mdb|M=ty=SBox!SboxMacro=#0# |Q=select * from categories"
End With
If LastUnit = "11" Or Session("Box11") = "" Then
Session("Box11") = "<Center>" & GD.Get_Sbox("t=1") & "</center>"
Session("selected_cat") = GD.Get_SelectBoxSelection(11)
end if
response.Write("<br>" & Session("Box11"))

Dim EditAll As New Tornado.Z()
With EditAll
Dim DBF as string = "Select * From products"
if Session("selected_cat") <> "" then
DBF = DBF & " where categoryid = " & Session("selected_cat")
end if
.dbTestBlankTable = "table=products|action=add|testsql=" & DBF
.dbQP = "U=727|S=12|Ps=15|M=ty=G!sysindex=t|Gdf=0|D=d:\Ine tpub\db\nwind.mdb|ni=add|Q="& DBF
Dim CT as string = "ind= cat_ct|sql=Select Categoryid from categories"
.dbCommonTables = CT
Dim EAF as string = "fi=categoryid|ty=SELECTBOX+B|val=cat_ct|Tex=cat_c t"
.dbEditAddFlds = EAF
.dbBookMark = "products;0"
End With
End Sub

