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Thread: Getting Primary Key column names for all tables

  1. #1
    Sumit Guest

    Getting Primary Key column names for all tables

    I have a situation in which i have to get the last value stored in the Primary Key for all the tables. Based on this value i have to update another table which stores the Table names and the last Key value for the table. The values in this table are not correct therefore i have to update it now. I was trying to write a cursor for this but the only problem is i can't get to know how to get the column name on which the primary key is defined for all the tables, thru code.

    I would appreciate if someone could help me out with this.

  2. #2
    Nishant Grover Guest

    Getting Primary Key column names for all tables (reply)

    The following query gives comma separated PK columns for a table. You can possibly execute this query for all the tables:


    DECLARE @table_name VARCHAR(30),
    @ind_id INT,
    @this_key VARCHAR(255),
    @keys VARCHAR(255),
    @counter INT
    SELECT @table_name = <&#39;your table name goes in here&#39;>,
    @ind_id = 1,
    @counter = 1
    WHILE @counter <= 16
    SELECT @this_key = INDEX_COL (@table_name, @ind_id, @counter)
    IF @this_key IS NULL
    IF @counter = 1
    SELECT @keys = @this_key
    SELECT @keys = @keys + &#39;,&#39; + @this_key
    SELECT @counter = @counter + 1
    SELECT @keys

    Sumit at 9/9/99 10:50:42 AM

    I have a situation in which i have to get the last value stored in the Primary Key for all the tables. Based on this value i have to update another table which stores the Table names and the last Key value for the table. The values in this table are not correct therefore i have to update it now. I was trying to write a cursor for this but the only problem is i can&#39;t get to know how to get the column name on which the primary key is defined for all the tables, thru code.

    I would appreciate if someone could help me out with this.

  3. #3
    Sumit Guest

    Getting Primary Key column names for all tables (reply)

    Thanks for your reply. I was able to figure out how to get the primary Key column name but now i am stuck up on the next step. Following is the code i am using :-

    DECLARE @table_name CHAR(18)
    DECLARE @col_name CHAR(50)
    DECLARE @last_key INTEGER
    DECLARE @string CHAR(50)

    DECLARE seq_cursor CURSOR FOR
    SELECT ref_id FROM seq_num_keys
    OPEN seq_cursor
    FETCH NEXT FROM seq_cursor INTO @table_name
    WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1)

    1) SELECT @col_name =
    FROM sysobjects so, syscolumns c, sysconstraints co, sysobjects t
    WHERE so.type = &#34;K&#34;
    AND = co.constid
    AND =
    AND c.colid = 1
    AND =
    AND = @table_name

    2) SELECT @String = &#39;SELECT @last_key = max(&#39; + @col_name + &#39 FROM &#39; + @table_name
    EXEC sp_sqlexec @String
    SELECT @string

    3) UPDATE seq_num_keys
    SET last_value = @last_key
    WHERE CURRENT OF seq_cursor
    FETCH NEXT FROM seq_cursor INTO @table_name

    DEALLOCATE seq_cursor

    There seems to be some problem with query # 2 because when i say select @string it gives me &#39;SELECT @last_key = max(<Actual Table Column Name> &#39; and then gives an error because this statement is not complete and i am trying to execute it. What could be wront with query # 2 ???

    Nishant Grover at 9/9/99 11:32:51 AM

    The following query gives comma separated PK columns for a table. You can possibly execute this query for all the tables:


    DECLARE @table_name VARCHAR(30),
    @ind_id INT,
    @this_key VARCHAR(255),
    @keys VARCHAR(255),
    @counter INT
    SELECT @table_name = <&#39;your table name goes in here&#39;>,
    @ind_id = 1,
    @counter = 1
    WHILE @counter <= 16
    SELECT @this_key = INDEX_COL (@table_name, @ind_id, @counter)
    IF @this_key IS NULL
    IF @counter = 1
    SELECT @keys = @this_key
    SELECT @keys = @keys + &#39;,&#39; + @this_key
    SELECT @counter = @counter + 1
    SELECT @keys

    Sumit at 9/9/99 10:50:42 AM

    I have a situation in which i have to get the last value stored in the Primary Key for all the tables. Based on this value i have to update another table which stores the Table names and the last Key value for the table. The values in this table are not correct therefore i have to update it now. I was trying to write a cursor for this but the only problem is i can&#39;t get to know how to get the column name on which the primary key is defined for all the tables, thru code.

    I would appreciate if someone could help me out with this.

  4. #4

    Getting Primary Key column names for all tables (reply)

    How can i be so dumb !!!

    I got it right finally. Actually i had declared @col_name as char(50) and @string also as char(50). So i juct changed them to varchar(50) & varchar(100). Now it&#39;s working fine !

    Thanks anyway.

    Sumit at 9/9/99 11:59:20 AM

    Thanks for your reply. I was able to figure out how to get the primary Key column name but now i am stuck up on the next step. Following is the code i am using :-

    DECLARE @table_name CHAR(18)
    DECLARE @col_name CHAR(50)
    DECLARE @last_key INTEGER
    DECLARE @string CHAR(50)

    DECLARE seq_cursor CURSOR FOR
    SELECT ref_id FROM seq_num_keys
    OPEN seq_cursor
    FETCH NEXT FROM seq_cursor INTO @table_name
    WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1)

    1) SELECT @col_name =
    FROM sysobjects so, syscolumns c, sysconstraints co, sysobjects t
    WHERE so.type = &#34;K&#34;
    AND = co.constid
    AND =
    AND c.colid = 1
    AND =
    AND = @table_name

    2) SELECT @String = &#39;SELECT @last_key = max(&#39; + @col_name + &#39 FROM &#39; + @table_name
    EXEC sp_sqlexec @String
    SELECT @string

    3) UPDATE seq_num_keys
    SET last_value = @last_key
    WHERE CURRENT OF seq_cursor
    FETCH NEXT FROM seq_cursor INTO @table_name

    DEALLOCATE seq_cursor

    There seems to be some problem with query # 2 because when i say select @string it gives me &#39;SELECT @last_key = max(<Actual Table Column Name> &#39; and then gives an error because this statement is not complete and i am trying to execute it. What could be wront with query # 2 ???

    Nishant Grover at 9/9/99 11:32:51 AM

    The following query gives comma separated PK columns for a table. You can possibly execute this query for all the tables:


    DECLARE @table_name VARCHAR(30),
    @ind_id INT,
    @this_key VARCHAR(255),
    @keys VARCHAR(255),
    @counter INT
    SELECT @table_name = <&#39;your table name goes in here&#39;>,
    @ind_id = 1,
    @counter = 1
    WHILE @counter <= 16
    SELECT @this_key = INDEX_COL (@table_name, @ind_id, @counter)
    IF @this_key IS NULL
    IF @counter = 1
    SELECT @keys = @this_key
    SELECT @keys = @keys + &#39;,&#39; + @this_key
    SELECT @counter = @counter + 1
    SELECT @keys

    Sumit at 9/9/99 10:50:42 AM

    I have a situation in which i have to get the last value stored in the Primary Key for all the tables. Based on this value i have to update another table which stores the Table names and the last Key value for the table. The values in this table are not correct therefore i have to update it now. I was trying to write a cursor for this but the only problem is i can&#39;t get to know how to get the column name on which the primary key is defined for all the tables, thru code.

    I would appreciate if someone could help me out with this.

  5. #5
    Sumit Guest

    Getting Primary Key column names for all tables (reply)

    Oh no, now it has given me another error !!!

    &#39;Must declare variable @last_Keys&#39;.

    I have already declared the variable @last_Key then why is it asking me to declare it again !

    at 9/9/99 12:07:24 PM

    How can i be so dumb !!!

    I got it right finally. Actually i had declared @col_name as char(50) and @string also as char(50). So i juct changed them to varchar(50) & varchar(100). Now it&#39;s working fine !

    Thanks anyway.

    Sumit at 9/9/99 11:59:20 AM

    Thanks for your reply. I was able to figure out how to get the primary Key column name but now i am stuck up on the next step. Following is the code i am using :-

    DECLARE @table_name CHAR(18)
    DECLARE @col_name CHAR(50)
    DECLARE @last_key INTEGER
    DECLARE @string CHAR(50)

    DECLARE seq_cursor CURSOR FOR
    SELECT ref_id FROM seq_num_keys
    OPEN seq_cursor
    FETCH NEXT FROM seq_cursor INTO @table_name
    WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1)

    1) SELECT @col_name =
    FROM sysobjects so, syscolumns c, sysconstraints co, sysobjects t
    WHERE so.type = &#34;K&#34;
    AND = co.constid
    AND =
    AND c.colid = 1
    AND =
    AND = @table_name

    2) SELECT @String = &#39;SELECT @last_key = max(&#39; + @col_name + &#39 FROM &#39; + @table_name
    EXEC sp_sqlexec @String
    SELECT @string

    3) UPDATE seq_num_keys
    SET last_value = @last_key
    WHERE CURRENT OF seq_cursor
    FETCH NEXT FROM seq_cursor INTO @table_name

    DEALLOCATE seq_cursor

    There seems to be some problem with query # 2 because when i say select @string it gives me &#39;SELECT @last_key = max(<Actual Table Column Name> &#39; and then gives an error because this statement is not complete and i am trying to execute it. What could be wront with query # 2 ???

    Nishant Grover at 9/9/99 11:32:51 AM

    The following query gives comma separated PK columns for a table. You can possibly execute this query for all the tables:


    DECLARE @table_name VARCHAR(30),
    @ind_id INT,
    @this_key VARCHAR(255),
    @keys VARCHAR(255),
    @counter INT
    SELECT @table_name = <&#39;your table name goes in here&#39;>,
    @ind_id = 1,
    @counter = 1
    WHILE @counter <= 16
    SELECT @this_key = INDEX_COL (@table_name, @ind_id, @counter)
    IF @this_key IS NULL
    IF @counter = 1
    SELECT @keys = @this_key
    SELECT @keys = @keys + &#39;,&#39; + @this_key
    SELECT @counter = @counter + 1
    SELECT @keys

    Sumit at 9/9/99 10:50:42 AM

    I have a situation in which i have to get the last value stored in the Primary Key for all the tables. Based on this value i have to update another table which stores the Table names and the last Key value for the table. The values in this table are not correct therefore i have to update it now. I was trying to write a cursor for this but the only problem is i can&#39;t get to know how to get the column name on which the primary key is defined for all the tables, thru code.

    I would appreciate if someone could help me out with this.

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