Ok, so maybe one of you can help me with this, cus lord knows neither me or my boss can figure it out.

I'm trying to drop a 7 digit code from a query that I'm using to create a project number, into an input field in a form for another table all together. When I go to the input forms text box for the project number I have an imput mask set up as follows: "000\-00\-00";0;_.

The mask works fine though, and is not really the point of this post. The problem I AM having is that when I go to the default value property of that text box, it wont let me reference the query where I have my project number stored. It would not let me add it to the form because it was not related to the project table in anyway way. I have tried several different ways with which to reference it, and I keep getting the same thing in the text box: #Name? The main way the resoures I have tell me to reference is [table/query name]![field name], is this wrong?

If anyone can give me any hints as to what I'm doing wrong, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks ahead of time.
