Been trying to incorporate the code in M.S. Knowledge
base article- 210236 to carry over data from a previous
records into a new record.

Have a database of students that contains which classes
they have attended. What I want be able to do is located a
student record, then when I click on the "ADD" button the
fields on the form default with the data contained in the
previous record that was displayed. Can't seem to make
this work.

When I try the logic contained in article # 210236 it
always seems to pick up the data in the last record after
it performs the RS.MoveLast line of code.

Here is the main code contained in the article:

Function AutoFillNewRecord(F As Form)

Dim RS As DAO.Recordset, C As Control
Dim FillFields As String, FillAllFields As Integer

On Error Resume Next

' Exit if not on the new record.
If Not F.NewRecord Then Exit Function

' Goto the last record of the form recordset (to
autofill form).
Set RS = F.RecordsetClone

' Exit if you cannot move to the last record (no
If Err <> 0 Then Exit Function

' Get the list of fields to autofill.
FillFields = ";" & F![AutoFillNewRecordFields] & ";"

' If there is no criteria field, then set flag
indicating ALL
' fields should be autofilled.
FillAllFields = Err <> 0

F.Painting = False

' Visit each field on the form.
For Each C In F
' Fill the field if ALL fields are to be filled OR
if the
' ...ControlSource field can be found in the
FillFields list.
If FillALLFields Or InStr(FillFields, ";" & (C.Name)
& ";") > 0 Then
C = RS(C.ControlSource)
End If

F.Painting = True

End Function