I've managed to get the custom field layout working with no problems, and I've managed to get the booleantext field option (to display an image instead of True/False) working in one of the standard listing tables.

However, I can't seem to combine the two...a custom field layout WITH the dbbooltext option pointing to an image. Is there a special setting I have to use?

Here's the source of the main db section of my code. Hints?

Set MyDb = Server.CreateObject(&#34;AspDB.Pro&#34 &#39;Insert the ASP-db component

MyDb.dbQuickProps=&#34;14;plants;Inventory;form;7, auto&#34; &#39;Set it&#39;s std properties
MyDb.dbExportFlds = &#34;0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,1 8,19,20,21,22&#34; &#39;Export them all!

MyDb.dbFormDisplayFlds = -1 &#39;Hide all the fields from displaying
MyDb.dbBoolText=&#34;<CENTER><IMG SRC=images/checkbox.gif></CENTER>, &#34;

&#39;Point to the &#34;images&#34; directory
MyDb.dbStatusBar = false &#39;Turn off the status bar
MyDb.dbNavigationItem=&#34;prev,next&#34; &#39;Only show these 2 buttons

MyDb.ASPdbPro &#39;Display it!

As you can see I have borrowed heavily from code snippets supplied on all the example pages. These REALLY help!
