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Thread: Custom - NonForm NonGrid output?

  1. #1
    Brian Ware Guest

    Custom - NonForm NonGrid output?

    Is there a way to create custom display for database data? I'm thinking about something like this: A picture of a car on the left, basic data on the right of it, and a large description field under both columns. I wanted to do this with a html form where the data is all pulled from SQL and the picture is in one cell, a few fields in another cell (Brief), and possibly a few fields in the last cell (Desc.). If possible by either exporting the values or with something more ASP-db native, can I get some brief sample source?

    I I I
    I Pic I Brief I
    I I I
    I I
    I Desc. I
    I I

    Thanks a ton!

  2. #2
    Mark Guest

    Custom - NonForm NonGrid output? (reply)

    Hi Brian,

    Take a look at Example A14a at:

    I hope that's what you had in mind.


    Brian Ware at 3/17/00 10:55:58 AM

    Is there a way to create custom display for database data? I'm thinking about something like this: A picture of a car on the left, basic data on the right of it, and a large description field under both columns. I wanted to do this with a html form where the data is all pulled from SQL and the picture is in one cell, a few fields in another cell (Brief), and possibly a few fields in the last cell (Desc.). If possible by either exporting the values or with something more ASP-db native, can I get some brief sample source?

    I I I
    I Pic I Brief I
    I I I
    I I
    I Desc. I
    I I

    Thanks a ton!

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