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Thread: Problems with Download with Oracle Number Fields

  1. #1
    Nick Matteucci Guest

    Problems with Download with Oracle Number Fields

    Hi Guys,

    Having problems with the download features using the EP and Oracle 8.05.

    Try the following. You will get a "Function Error". Only way for it to work it to remove all number types from all SQL statements.

    Let me know the fix.


    Set MyDb = Server.CreateObject(&#34;AspDB.EP&#34
    MyDb.dbDSN=&#34;DSN=local; UID=scott; PWD=tiger;&#34;
    MyDb.dbUnit = 1
    MyDb.dbSQL = &#34;Select * from SALGRADE&#34;
    MyDb.dbNavigationItem=&#34;top, bottom, next, prev, download,&#34;
    MyDb.dbGridIndex=False &#39;Show the first &#34;index&#34; column
    Mydb.dbMemoTextSize=-1 &#39;Set size of memo: Obj.dbMemoTextSize = 0 | -1 | Long
    Mydb.dbDBType = &#34;ORACLE&#34; &#39;Database type: Obj.dbDBType=&#34;ACCESS(def)|SQL|ORACLE[,server]|SYBASE| FOXPRO|EXCEL|TXT&#34;

  2. #2
    Frank Guest

    Problems with Download with Oracle Number Fields (reply)

    This one is tricky. For the existing version, if you use a cursor >0 capable driver, it&#39;ll work otherwise, it&#39;ll blow up when I go to top before downloading the entire grid. It is now fixed and it&#39;ll for all curosr config. Thanks again for digging up this bug.


    Nick Matteucci at 12/15/99 5:21:17 PM

    Hi Guys,

    Having problems with the download features using the EP and Oracle 8.05.

    Try the following. You will get a &#34;Function Error&#34;. Only way for it to work it to remove all number types from all SQL statements.

    Let me know the fix.


    Set MyDb = Server.CreateObject(&#34;AspDB.EP&#34
    MyDb.dbDSN=&#34;DSN=local; UID=scott; PWD=tiger;&#34;
    MyDb.dbUnit = 1
    MyDb.dbSQL = &#34;Select * from SALGRADE&#34;
    MyDb.dbNavigationItem=&#34;top, bottom, next, prev, download,&#34;
    MyDb.dbGridIndex=False &#39;Show the first &#34;index&#34; column
    Mydb.dbMemoTextSize=-1 &#39;Set size of memo: Obj.dbMemoTextSize = 0 | -1 | Long
    Mydb.dbDBType = &#34;ORACLE&#34; &#39;Database type: Obj.dbDBType=&#34;ACCESS(def)|SQL|ORACLE[,server]|SYBASE| FOXPRO|EXCEL|TXT&#34;

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