
I have a frame.
In the upper frame, user can select the number of row he want display.
He press ok, and in the bottom frame appear the table with the usual navigation buttons, and with the number of row selected.

That work well.

Know, if the user press, under the bottom frame the 'filter' button, the filter screen appear still in the bottom frame.
The user then enter the value he want to filter and press 'Apply Filter'.
Then, he found back the original frame he had, but this time, with the filter on, still in the bottom frame.

Now, if the user select another number of displayed value in the upper frame and press Ok, he loose the current filtering parameter:
The table appear in the bottom frame without filtering parameters.

Is it a way to keep them in memory though a Session variable for example ?

So in one work, my question is:
How, once a filter applied, store some where the filtering applied and keep it except if reset filter as been pressed or if a new filter is entered.

Best Regards,