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Thread: aspDB passing variables to SQL problems

  1. #1
    Bob Cummings Guest

    aspDB passing variables to SQL problems

    I have downloaded the aspDB free component and intended to recommend to my manager that we buy the Pro version when I return to work - I am very impressed.

    I have a problem that you may be able to solve. I am passing a parameter from a previous link to form part of my dbSQL string like this:

    <% @LANGUAGE=&#34;VBSCRIPT&#34; %>

    I build the sql like this:

    sql=&#34;SELECT * FROM tblStudentInfo &#34;
    sql=sql & &#34;WHERE [&#34; & cstr(Param) & &#34;] = &#34; & &#34;&#39;&#34; & criteria & &#34;&#39;&#34;%>


    This displays the first grid page fine but when I click next, the criteria value is empty, I get an error msg and no more records are displayed.

    Can anyone help?

    Bob Cummings

  2. #2
    Mark Guest

    aspDB passing variables to SQL problems (reply)


    This is a common problem. You MUST save the passed values in session variables, otherwise they will be null on subsequent displays. There is a very good programming example of how (and when) to do this. Notice the need to do a dbReset also. See Programming Example D5a at


    Bob Cummings at 1/2/00 7:38:26 AM

    I have downloaded the aspDB free component and intended to recommend to my manager that we buy the Pro version when I return to work - I am very impressed.

    I have a problem that you may be able to solve. I am passing a parameter from a previous link to form part of my dbSQL string like this:

    <% @LANGUAGE=&#34;VBSCRIPT&#34; %>

    I build the sql like this:

    sql=&#34;SELECT * FROM tblStudentInfo &#34;
    sql=sql & &#34;WHERE [&#34; & cstr(Param) & &#34;] = &#34; & &#34;&#39;&#34; & criteria & &#34;&#39;&#34;%>


    This displays the first grid page fine but when I click next, the criteria value is empty, I get an error msg and no more records are displayed.

    Can anyone help?

    Bob Cummings

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