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Thread: Filter and 'both' mode control using Frames

  1. #1
    David Archer Guest

    Filter and 'both' mode control using Frames

    A Happy New Millenium to everyone!

    I am evaluating ASP-db Pro - what a great product!

    I am developing a web page that integrates a database with a GIS. I have
    the GIS environment in one frame (using frames because GIS repaints are
    relatively expensive) and ASP-db in a second frame.

    Using the excellent MagicCell feature the ASP-db frame includes
    hyperlinks to tell the GIS frame to display a corresponding feature.
    Similarly the GIS frame can use targetted URLs to tell the ASP-db frame
    to display a corresponding record, but this raises two questions:

    1. With 'both' mode can the initial mode be controlled? (In the above
    case I want to force it to be a form.)

    2. Can an initial Filter be defined? At present I am 'tweaking' dbSQL
    if an ID has been passed from my GIS frame, eg:

    SQL = Request.QueryString("Gis_id&#34
    If SQL <> &#34;&#34; Then SQL = &#34; WHERE id=&#39;&#34; & SQL & &#34;&#39;&#34;
    SQL = &#34;SELECT * FROM table&#34; & SQL

    This kind of works if the ASP-db frame happens to be displaying a grid
    at the time, it reduces the grid to the required row. This can then be
    displayed as a form, and the Grid or Filter buttons can be used to
    obtain other rows in the table if required.

    However if the ASP-db frame happens to be displaying a form at the time
    (which is what I really want for this particular function), the above
    does not work at all: the record currently displayed in the form does
    not change to the one requested in the SQL.

    Advice to resolve these queries will be appreciated.

    David Archer

  2. #2
    Frank Guest

    Filter and 'both' mode control using Frames (reply)


    1. This feature is in the advanced version (version Y2K) of ASP-db (X.dbOptions=&#34;StartBoth=form&#34. If neccessary, can be implemented in the Pro and EP versions. Check with support&#39;s example bank to see whether there is an immediate solution with the Pro version first.

    2. ASP-db doesn&#39;t use ADO&#39;s filtering as ADO&#39;s filtering doesn&#39;t work well and not acceptable in multi-users environment. ASP-db uses SQL to perform filtering and editing which is more reliable. The method you are using is the same. You are on the right track.


    David Archer at 12/31/99 11:55:01 PM

    A Happy New Millenium to everyone!

    I am evaluating ASP-db Pro - what a great product!

    I am developing a web page that integrates a database with a GIS. I have
    the GIS environment in one frame (using frames because GIS repaints are
    relatively expensive) and ASP-db in a second frame.

    Using the excellent MagicCell feature the ASP-db frame includes
    hyperlinks to tell the GIS frame to display a corresponding feature.
    Similarly the GIS frame can use targetted URLs to tell the ASP-db frame
    to display a corresponding record, but this raises two questions:

    1. With &#39;both&#39; mode can the initial mode be controlled? (In the above
    case I want to force it to be a form.)

    2. Can an initial Filter be defined? At present I am &#39;tweaking&#39; dbSQL
    if an ID has been passed from my GIS frame, eg:

    SQL = Request.QueryString(&#34;Gis_id&#34
    If SQL <> &#34;&#34; Then SQL = &#34; WHERE id=&#39;&#34; & SQL & &#34;&#39;&#34;
    SQL = &#34;SELECT * FROM table&#34; & SQL

    This kind of works if the ASP-db frame happens to be displaying a grid
    at the time, it reduces the grid to the required row. This can then be
    displayed as a form, and the Grid or Filter buttons can be used to
    obtain other rows in the table if required.

    However if the ASP-db frame happens to be displaying a form at the time
    (which is what I really want for this particular function), the above
    does not work at all: the record currently displayed in the form does
    not change to the one requested in the SQL.

    Advice to resolve these queries will be appreciated.

    David Archer

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