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Thread: Error Message after 4-5 times hitting NEXT button?

  1. #1
    Daniel Madden Guest

    Error Message after 4-5 times hitting NEXT button?

    Hello All,

    I am receiving an error message after I've hit the NEXT button about 4-5 times. Everytime I hit the NEXT button it works until the 4-5 time. Does anyone have any idea? see code (using VBScript):

    ============CODE STARTs===============

    Set MyDb = Server.CreateObject("AspDB.Pro&#34 'Insert the ASP-db component


    If session(&#34;gpnViewSQL&#34 = &#34;&#34; And Request.Form(&#34;SQL&#34 <> &#34;&#34; Then
    session(&#34;gpnViewSQL&#34 = Request.Form(&#34;SQL&#34
    ElseIf session(&#34;gpnViewParam&#34 <> Request.Form(&#34;SQL&#34 Then
    session(&#34;gpnViewSQL&#34 = Request.Form(&#34;SQL&#34
    End If

    &#39; checking to see if actual SQL is being passed
    Response.Write session(&#34;gpnViewSQL&#34

    MyDb.dbSQL = session(&#34;gpnViewSQL&#34

    MyDb.dbExportFlds = &#34;Description,VirtualAddress,RealAddress,IDEntr yPoint&#34;

    MyDb.dbMode = &#34;form&#34;
    MyDb.dbFormDisplayFlds = -1 &#39;Hide all the fields from displaying
    MyDb.dbStatusBar = false &#39;Turn off the status bar
    MyDb.dbImageDir=&#34;/im/isg/gatewayteam/gpn/gpnimages/&#34; &#39;Point to the &#34;images&#34; directory
    MyDb.dbNavigationItem=&#34;Prev,Next&#34; &#39;Only show these 2 buttons
    MyDb.dbNavigationIcon=&#34;gif,grid, form, top, prev, next, bottom, row+, row-, grid+, grid-, form+, form-, filter, resetfilter, download, color, reload&#34;
    MyDb.dbUnit = 203 &#39;Set dbUnit to 203

    MyDb.aspDBPro &#39;Display it!

    strDescription = Session(&#34;ASPdb_203_Description&#34
    strVirtualAddress = Session(&#34;ASPdb_203_VirtualAddress&#34
    strRealAddress = Session(&#34;ASPdb_203_RealAddress&#34
    strIDEntryPoint = Session(&#34;ASPdb_203_IDEntryPoint&#34

    &#39; after 4-5th time never gets here!

    ============CODE ENDs===============

  2. #2
    Mark Guest

    Error Message after 4-5 times hitting NEXT button? (reply)

    Two questions:
    1) What&#39;s the error message?
    2) What version of ASP-db are you running?

    Daniel Madden at 1/28/00 7:56:08 AM

    Hello All,

    I am receiving an error message after I&#39;ve hit the NEXT button about 4-5 times. Everytime I hit the NEXT button it works until the 4-5 time. Does anyone have any idea? see code (using VBScript):

    ============CODE STARTs===============

    Set MyDb = Server.CreateObject(&#34;AspDB.Pro&#34 &#39;Insert the ASP-db component


    If session(&#34;gpnViewSQL&#34 = &#34;&#34; And Request.Form(&#34;SQL&#34 <> &#34;&#34; Then
    session(&#34;gpnViewSQL&#34 = Request.Form(&#34;SQL&#34
    ElseIf session(&#34;gpnViewParam&#34 <> Request.Form(&#34;SQL&#34 Then
    session(&#34;gpnViewSQL&#34 = Request.Form(&#34;SQL&#34
    End If

    &#39; checking to see if actual SQL is being passed
    Response.Write session(&#34;gpnViewSQL&#34

    MyDb.dbSQL = session(&#34;gpnViewSQL&#34

    MyDb.dbExportFlds = &#34;Description,VirtualAddress,RealAddress,IDEntr yPoint&#34;

    MyDb.dbMode = &#34;form&#34;
    MyDb.dbFormDisplayFlds = -1 &#39;Hide all the fields from displaying
    MyDb.dbStatusBar = false &#39;Turn off the status bar
    MyDb.dbImageDir=&#34;/im/isg/gatewayteam/gpn/gpnimages/&#34; &#39;Point to the &#34;images&#34; directory
    MyDb.dbNavigationItem=&#34;Prev,Next&#34; &#39;Only show these 2 buttons
    MyDb.dbNavigationIcon=&#34;gif,grid, form, top, prev, next, bottom, row+, row-, grid+, grid-, form+, form-, filter, resetfilter, download, color, reload&#34;
    MyDb.dbUnit = 203 &#39;Set dbUnit to 203

    MyDb.aspDBPro &#39;Display it!

    strDescription = Session(&#34;ASPdb_203_Description&#34
    strVirtualAddress = Session(&#34;ASPdb_203_VirtualAddress&#34
    strRealAddress = Session(&#34;ASPdb_203_RealAddress&#34
    strIDEntryPoint = Session(&#34;ASPdb_203_IDEntryPoint&#34

    &#39; after 4-5th time never gets here!

    ============CODE ENDs===============

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