Can I use Oracle stored procedures in ASPdb with Add and Edit modes?

I am using Oracle 8.x, MS Data Access 2.1 (latest MS Oracle ODBC drivers), and ASPdb Enterprise 2.20.

Attached is my very simple ASPdb script. You can see I am able to toggle between commented SP calls and inline SQL statements. When I use the inline SQL, edit appears and works fine. When I use the SQL in a stored procedure, the edit button does not appear?

Nick Matteucci

---- Example ASPdb Script -------
dim Name
dim strSQL
Dim X

Name = &#34;&#39;&#34; & ucase(session.Contents(&#34;Name&#34) & &#34;%&#39;&#34;

strSQL = &#34;(;~){call PkgPhone.FindByName(&#34; & Name & &#34;, {resultset 2000, o_Name, o_Department, o_Extension, o_MailRoute, o_WorkStation})}~1&#34;

&#39;strSQL = &#34;Select Name, Department, Extension, MailRoute, WorkStation From

Phone Where Name like &#34; + Name

&#39;Set X=Server.CreateObject(&#34;AspDB.EP30&#34

Set X=Server.CreateObject(&#34;AspDB.EP&#34



X.dbDSN = &#34;DSN=ivrt; UID=vpmiplay; PWD=vpmiplay; &#34;


&#39;X.dbSQL = strSQL

X.dbNameMap = &#34;o_Name, Name;o_Extension, Extension;o_Department, Department;o_MailRoute, MailRoute;o_Workstation, WorkStation&#34;

X.dbMode = &#34;dual-horz&#34;

X.dbGridTableTag = &#34;Border = 1&#34;

X.dbGridInc = 1

X.dbNavigation = &#34;bottom&#34;

X.dbNavigationItem = &#34;Top, Bottom, Next, Prev, Gridrow, update, edit, add, delete&#34;

X.dbEditFlds = &#34;Name, Department, Extension, MailRoute, WorkStation&#34;


Dim EP

EP=&#34;TableName=vpmiplay.Phone,BookmarkFlds=0,Cr iteriaSize=4x25,TableTag=Border=2&#34;

&#39;EP = + &#34;EditBookmarkFlds=0,&#34;
&#39;Ep = + &#34; CriteriaSize=4x25,&#34;
&#39;EP = + &#34;TableTag=Border=2&#34;

X.dbEditParams = EP

