Hi All,
I have given this work to give promotion on internet once a day, its not showing me the the result I want, I don't know where I am wrong. I am very new in this area, Please Please somebody help me......
Many thanks in advance.

Here is the code:

<%@ LANGUAGE=&#34;VBScript&#34; ENABLESESSIONSTATE=&#34;False&#34; LCID=&#34;4105&#34;%>
<% Option Explicit%>
Dim fsoObject
Dim CounterFile
Dim CounterValue
Dim PopUp

Const COUNTER_PATH = &#34;D:Usershtmlwinter_testdatacounter.txt&#34;
PopUp = False

Sub Init()
End Sub

Sub Main()
Call Init()

On Error Resume Next
Set fsoObject = Server.CreateObject(&#34;Scripting.FileSystemObjec t&#34
Set CounterFile = fsoObject.OpenTextFile(COUNTER_PATH,1,True)

CounterValue = CounterFile.ReadAll

Set CounterFile = Nothing
Set fsoObject = Nothing

If Date() = CounterValue Then
If Hour(time) > 9 And Hour(time) < 23 Then
PopUp = True

Set fsoObject = Server.CreateObject(&#34;Scripting.FileSystemObjec t&#34
Set CounterFile = fsoObject.CreateTextFile(COUNTER_PATH,True)

CounterFile.WriteLine (Date() + 1)

Set CounterFile = Nothing
Set fsoObject = Nothing

End If

End If

If Err.Number <> 0 Then
CounterValue = &#34;?&#34;
End If

Call Terminate()
End Sub

Sub Terminate()
End Sub

Call Main()
<% IF PopUP Then %>

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &#34;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN&#34; &#34;http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html401/loose.dtd&#34;>
<TITLE>You Won!!!</TITLE>


<B><%Response.Write CounterValue%> = Counter</B><BR>
<%Response.Write Date()%><BR>
<%Response.Write Time()%>
Woohooo !<BR><BR>

<FORM ACTION=&#34;default3.asp&#34; METHOD=&#34;POST&#34;>
<SELECT NAME=&#34;City&#34;>
<OPTION VALUE=&#34;Here&#34;>Here (Ottawa Region)</OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE=&#34;Outside&#34;>Outside</OPTION>
<INPUT TYPE=&#34;submit&#34; VALUE=&#34;GO&#34;>

<% Else %>

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &#34;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN&#34; &#34;http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html401/loose.dtd&#34;>

Counter = <% Response.Write CounterValue %><BR>
Time = <% Response.Write Hour(time) %><BR>
Date = <% Response.Write Date() %><BR>

<% End IF %>