Is there a way to use size200 to only specify one field instead of every field that is data type 200 or 202? I have looked at the examples and cant find anything. Here is the code I am using

MyDb.dbEditParams="(;,) TableName=Jobs, SIZE200=7x50, BookMarkFlds=Job_ID,StickyUpdate=true"

I want to make the field "Requirements" a text area, not all of them.. here is my full code in case it helps... Thanks!!!

Response.Expires = 0
Set MyDb = Server.CreateObject(&#34;AspDB.EP&#34
MyDb.dbDSN = &#34;DSN=JobsDB; UID=sqluser; PWD=;&#34;
&#39; Mydb.dbEditParams = &#34;TableName=Jobs,BookMarkFlds=Job_ID&#34;

MyDb.dbEditParams=&#34;(;,) TableName=Jobs, SIZE200=7x50, BookMarkFlds=Job_ID,StickyUpdate=true&#34;

MyDb.DbEditDropFlds=&#34;Facility,,Jobs,Facility,, ,,,Distinct;Job_Type,,Jobs,Job_Type,,,,,Distinct;C ontact,,Jobs,Contact,,,,,Distinct;Shift,,Jobs,Shif t,,,,,Distinct;Job_Code,,Jobs,Job_Code,,,,,Distinc t&#34;
MyDb.dbEditHideFlds = &#34;Job_ID,Job_Code&#34;
Mydb.dbEditFlds = &#34;(;|)Facility|Department|Job_Title&#34; &_
&#34;|Shift|Hours/PP|Posting_Date[DATE(mm/dd/yy)]|Closing_Date[mm/dd/yy]|Requirements|Job_Type|Contact|AddHeading=&#34; &_
&#34;<h3>Add a new Job</H3>Fill out the fields, and click &#34; &_
&#34;the &#39;Add&#39; button below|EditHeading=<H3>Add / Update / &#34; &_
&#34;Delete the current record</H3>|DeleteHeading=<h3>Delete the current &#34; &_
&#34;record</h3><BR>&#34; &_
&#34;|UpdateHeading=<H3>Update the current record</H3>&#34;
MyDb.dbFormHideFlds = &#34;Job_Code&#34;
MyDb.dbFilterhideflds = &#34;Requirements,Job_Code&#34;
MyDb.DbFilterDropFlds = &#34;Facility,,Jobs,Facility,,,,,Distinct;Job_Type ,,Jobs,Job_Type,,,,,Distinct;Contact,,Jobs,Contact ,,,,,Distinct;Shift,,Jobs,Shift,,,,,Distinct;Job_I D,,Jobs,Job_ID,,,,,Distinct;Posting_Date,,Jobs,Pos ting_Date,,,,,Distinct,Department,,Jobs,Department ,,,,,Distinct;Job_Title,,Jobs,Job_Title,,,,,Distin ct;Hours,,Jobs,Hours,,,,,Distinct;Closing_Date,,Jo bs,Closing_Date,,,,,Distinct;Department,,Jobs,Depa rtment,,,,,Distinct;Hours/PP,,Jobs,[Hours/PP],,,,,Distinct&#34;
MyDb.dbFilterParams = &#34;Help=False, Assistant=True&#34;
MyDb.DbGridTableTag=&#34;border=0 cellspacing=3 cellpadding=4&#34;
MyDb.DbGridIndex = False
MyDb.DbGridInc = &#34;5&#34;
MyDb.dbGridHideFlds = &#34;Job_Type,Job_ID,Shift, Requirements,Job_Code&#34;
MyDb.dbMagicCell=&#34;Facility,,#Facility#,index,, &#34;
MyDb.DbNavigationItem = &#34;top,prev,next,bottom,gridrow,filter,download, color,reload, update, add, delete&#34;
MyDb.DbNavigationIcon = &#34;gif, grid, form, top, prev, next, bottom, rowplus, rowminus, gridplus, gridminus, formplus,formminus, search, resetfilter, download, color, reload, tables, edit, add, update, delete, save, open, updatebatch&#34;
MyDb.DbStartup = &#34;grid&#34;
Mydb.dbSQL = &#34;Select * From Jobs&#34;
Mydb.dbSuppressMsg = true
MyDb.DBStatusBar = True
MyDb.Dbimagedir = &#34;images/&#34;

s = DefaultDelimiters & zHead & &#34;,<Center><h3>Add My record</h3></Center>; &#34;
s = s & zDelHead & &#34;,<CENTER><h3>Delete This record</h3></CENTER><br><font size=2 face=arial><strong>If you would like to enter information without using the drop down boxes simply click on the<font color=Red> Drop</font> button. Click the <font color=red>Back</font> button to return to the previous page.</stong>;&#34;
s = s & zAddhead & &#34;,<h3>Create A New Job Listing</h3><br><font size=2 face=arial><strong>If you would like to enter information without using the drop down boxes simply click on the<font color=Red> Drop</font> button. Click the <font color=red>Back</font> button to return to the previous page.</stong>; &#34;
s = s & zEditHead & &#34;,<Center><h3>Edit This Job</h3></center>; &#34;
s = s & zFilter & &#34;,Search Complete; &#34;
s = s & zFilterHead & &#34;,<CENTER><H3>Job Search Screen</H3></CENTER>; &#34;
s = s & zApplyFilter & &#34;,Go do my Search; &#34;
s = s & zResetFilter & &#34;,Reset this filter screen; &#34;
s = s & zHead & &#34;,<CENTER><H3>Current Jobs</H3></CENTER>; &#34;
s = s & zEdit & &#34;,<FONT SIZE=5>EDIT<BR>NOW!</FONT>; &#34;
s = s & zUpdate & &#34;,<I>Update<BR>This Job<I>;&#34;
s = s & zClear & &#34;,Start Over;&#34;
s = s & zDelete & &#34;,Go Delete; &#34;
s = s & zReturn & &#34;,Return!; &#34;
s = s & zUpdateHead & &#34;,<h3>Update This Job</h3><br><font size=2 face=arial><strong>If you would like to enter information without using the drop down boxes simply click on the<font color=Red> Drop</font> button. Click the <font color=red>Back</font> button to return to the previous page.</stong>; &#34;
s = s & zCopyRec & &#34;,Make a Copy; &#34;
s = s & zUpdateRec & &#34;,UPDATE-REC!; &#34;
s = s & zDrop & &#34;,Toggle DropDown; &#34;
s = s & zReset & &#34;,Reset Fields!; &#34;
s = s & zMemoText & &#34;,Memo;&#34;
s = s & zField & &#34;,Field Names:;&#34;
s = s & zNewRec & &#34;,Add A New Job Below;&#34;
s = s & zCurrentRec & &#34;,Edit/Update/Delete Current Job;&#34;
s = s & zNotes & &#34;,Notes in this area;&#34;
s = s & zMsgFilterPassThruHelp & &#34;,<B><center></Center></B>;&#34;

MyDb.dbUserLocalText = s

