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Thread: Display of description field cut to 255 characters

  1. #1
    Wanda Guest

    Display of description field cut to 255 characters

    I am trying to display contents of product description fields which vary in length. Field type is varchar(8000)in SQL Server 7, but ASP only retrieves and displays up to 255 characters.

    I have tried the VB 'GetChunk' method, but get "The operation requested by the application is not allowed in this context" error.

    Will it work if I change the SQL field data type to Text?

    Any other suggestions?

  2. #2
    John Guest

    Display of description field cut to 255 characters (reply)


    Why are you doing all that work manually? Use ASPdb ( to do the whole thing for you.


    Wanda at 7/18/00 11:12:19 AM

    I am trying to display contents of product description fields which vary in length. Field type is varchar(8000)in SQL Server 7, but ASP only retrieves and displays up to 255 characters.

    I have tried the VB 'GetChunk' method, but get "The operation requested by the application is not allowed in this context" error.

    Will it work if I change the SQL field data type to Text?

    Any other suggestions?

  3. #3
    Wanda Guest

    Display of description field cut to 255 characters (reply)

    Yeah, thanks for the sales pitch, but most people use this board to get a technical answer to their problems because we want to do it that way...

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