Tried adding original name of field to namemap, as follows:
sNM = &#34;NTD_BEMSID,<font color=white>Des. BEMSID</font>;DESLNAME,<font
color=white>Des. LName</font>,,B.HC_EMP_LAST_NAME;DESFNAME,<font
color=white>Des. FName</font>;DESMNAME,<font color=white>Des.
MI</font>;FK_NTU_BEMSID,<font color=white>User BEMSID</font>;USERLNAME,<font
color=white>User LName</font>,,C.HC_EMP_LAST_NAME;USERFNAME,<font
color=white>User FName</font>;USERMNAME,<font color=white>User
MI</font>;NTD_LAST_UPDATE_UID,<font color=white>LU
By</font>;NTD_LAST_UPDATE_TIMESTAMP,<font color=white>LU Timestamp</font>&#34;
oAspdb.dbNameMap = sNM &#39;override grid hdr names and font color. This

Note that original field name only added to DESLNAME and USERLNAME because I changed
code to hide both sets of first names and middle names on the filter screen.

Still getting Get_RS_GetCount error. What else can I try??
