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Thread: LOAD TABLE with UNC doesn't work

  1. #1

    LOAD TABLE with UNC doesn't work

    Since I have to go across the network, I'm trying to use the UNC. However, this won't even work when I'm using the UNC to point to the server on which this is run. I'm trying to restore a single table on 6.5. What is the obvious piece that I'm missing?

    This works.

    LOAD TABLE address
    FROM DISK = 'd:MSSQLackupDBBackup.DAT'
    WITH source='address'

    This doesn't.

    LOAD TABLE address
    FROM DISK = '\server1d$MSSQLackupDBBackup.DAT'
    WITH source='address'

  2. #2
    Ray Miao Guest

    LOAD TABLE with UNC doesn't work (reply)

    Did you use domain account to start sql services?

    at 3/28/00 3:34:45 PM

    Since I have to go across the network, I'm trying to use the UNC. However, this won't even work when I'm using the UNC to point to the server on which this is run. I'm trying to restore a single table on 6.5. What is the obvious piece that I'm missing?

    This works.

    LOAD TABLE address
    FROM DISK = 'd:MSSQLackupDBBackup.DAT'
    WITH source='address'

    This doesn't.

    LOAD TABLE address
    FROM DISK = '\server1d$MSSQLackupDBBackup.DAT'
    WITH source='address'

  3. #3
    Deha Senbay Guest

    LOAD TABLE with UNC doesn't work (reply)

    What is exact the error message ?
    " Access is denied"

    Can you access the other server with xp_cmdshell
    i.e xp_cmdshell 'dir \serverc$' If you can than it should work. otehrwise make sure your services run under domain account and the trust relationship is set up between the servers

    Ray Miao at 3/28/00 5:06:27 PM

    Did you use domain account to start sql services?

    at 3/28/00 3:34:45 PM

    Since I have to go across the network, I'm trying to use the UNC. However, this won't even work when I'm using the UNC to point to the server on which this is run. I'm trying to restore a single table on 6.5. What is the obvious piece that I'm missing?

    This works.

    LOAD TABLE address
    FROM DISK = 'd:MSSQLackupDBBackup.DAT'
    WITH source='address'

    This doesn't.

    LOAD TABLE address
    FROM DISK = '\server1d$MSSQLackupDBBackup.DAT'
    WITH source='address'

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