Hi Martin,

Thanks for that, I have already given that a go but it does not sort the results in the way that I need. I need it to sort by price within each of the identification numbers and then move onto the next record.

Thanks again

Martin at 11/15/00 11:34:24 AM


Try something like this

select price, identification_number
from table_name
order by identification_number,price


Mark Jensen at 11/15/00 11:22:34 AM

Hi, I am using MS SQL 7 on windows 2000 platform.

I have two fields getting pulled from a table and I want the results to be returned in order by price from lowest price to highest price but grouped by identification number

e.g. 1234, 2234 and 3333 are the identification numbers and the column on the left is the price

price identification number
--- -----
50 1234
60 1234
70 1234
80 1234

60 2234
70 2234
90 2234
100 2234

90 3333
120 3333
130 3333
140 3333

The main order is by price but I want the identification numbers to stay grouped as well.

Thanks alot for any help