thank a lot quick answer
I sorry I made mistake in my question.

I want to
1. restrict access to propreties of table Orders.dbo.PersonalInfoChangeLog
from EM.
2. restrict usage of sp_help PersonalInfoChangeLog

I am sorry for confusion.

Todd at 7/13/01 3:35:25 PM

I think you can do the following:

Don't give permissions on Orders.dbo.PersonalInfo. Create a view Orders.dbo.PersonalInfo_View and give rights to it instead. Don't include the sensitive material in the view.

Alex at 7/13/01 12:32:06 PM

hello everybody
I created user "MyUser " with rights
1. public for database "Orders"
2. select, update,delete, insert to table Orders.dbo.PersonalInfo

I have table Orders.dbo.PersonalInfoChangeLog
( it keeps information on any update on Orders.dbo.PersonalInfo including

So I don't want anybody to see even structure of this table(Orders.dbo.PersonalInfo ).

if person loged as "Myuser" he can use
1. sp_help PersonalInfoChangeLog
2.Enterpise Manager to see properties of the table

How can limit rights to see structure without generating Application role ?
