Hi all,

Wondering what type of security access the Dba's out there have for their developers on development? We've adopted microsofts security model (sql 200 white paper on security) whereby all developers "do not" have db_owner(dbo), but "do" have ddl_admin, db_read, writer.

how do the developers see what's in the information_schema if they can't normally see dbo owned objects? tough one, but if you think about how the information schema views use setuser=1 it will make more sense.

how do the developers create/develop DTS packages if they are not dbo? what if the dts packages call extended stored procedures?

Do any of the Dba's have a separate working database that each developer OWNS on the development server? IE: do each developer have their own db to work with? (and not the centralized unit testing development db?)

thanks in advance,