I have a DTS package which contains one Active X script(code below) that loops through a directory and passes the file names in that directory to another DTS package. When executing I receive the following error:

[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect().] SQL Server does not exist or access denied

I know I have the server name, user name, and password correct. Any help would be greatly appreciated

Code for Active X script below:

Function Main()

Const DTSSQLStgFlag_UseTrustedConnection = 256

Dim oPKG
Dim i
Dim sFolder
sFolder = "D: estdts"
Dim fso, f, f1, fc, s
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject&#34
Set f = fso.GetFolder(sFolder)
Set fc = f.Files
For Each f1 in fc
Set oPKG = CreateObject("DTS.Package&#34
oPKG.LoadFromSQLServer server1,uname ,password1 , DTSSQLStgFlag_UseTrustedConnection, , , , dtstest
Set cn = oPKG.Connections("Connection 1&#34
cn.FileName = sFolder & f1.name
Set oPKG = Nothing
Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success
End Function